

29 June 2022



09:00 – 16:00


Microsoft Teams


Towards a National Thematic Framework

On Wednesday 29th June 2022, the South African Heritage Resources Agency (SAHRA) will be hosting a highly interactive consultation session focused on the development of a National Thematic Framework. The aim of the National Thematic Framework is to enhance the determination of cultural heritage significance and coordination in the grading of our heritage resources. Join the SAHRA for an online consultation session as we work “Towards a National Thematic Framework”. As the national regulatory body for the management and protection of South Africa’s heritage resources, SAHRA must establish a system of grading heritage resources and provide criteria for such assessment.  The development of an overarching National Thematic Framework is considered a vital step in the revision of the grading system, established by the Grading System and Criteria Regulation published on 30th May 2003 in Regulation gazette No 24893

SAHRA seeks to engage with the relevant provincial & local authorities as well as the wider heritage sector in interactive, robust and critical discussions on furthering the criteria to determine and assess cultural heritage significance. This will establish a greater coordinated grading system guided by a user-friendly National Thematic Framework.

For access to the programme and Thematic Framework, please follow the links below.


Workshop Programme
Thematic Framework