In terms of the Section 39 of the National Heritage Resources Act, No. 25 of 1999, SAHRA is required to compile and maintain an inventory of the national estate, defined as heritage resources of cultural and other significance.
This inventory must be in the form of a database of information on heritage resources, and may include:
- all places and objects protected through the publication of notices in the National Gazette or Provincial Gazette, whether in terms of this Act or provincial legislation;
- places and objects subject to general protections in terms of this Act or provincial legislation for the management of heritage resources;
- any other place and object which it considers to be of heritage significance; and
- all places and objects with which it and its predecessors have been involved.
The development of the South African Heritage Resources Information System (SAHRIS), which serves as the digital repository for heritage resources information in the country, was also undertaken under the auspices of the National Inventory Unit and with DAC funding. This online platform, which is freely available to the public, serves as the means by which the public can apply for heritage comment or permits for building, mining and development applications; obtain permits for archaeological and palaeontological excavation and research; permits for the export of heritage objects and for the nomination of sites as National Heritage Sites.
Jake Harding
NIU Manager
Nancy-ellen Cloete
Content Moderator
Gerty Thirion
Inventories Controller
Ethan Cottee
Inventories & Research Coordinator
Bongiwe Havi
GIS Technician